Saturday’s jewellery haul

Remember 2 weeks ago I decided to start the 30 day de-clutter? (Read all about it here).

 Well, I havent done too well even though I have already cleared out/given away/sold 79 items. Today I decided to go through my old sewing box which is full of costume jewellery.

It’s a nifty storage item (for more vintage storage  ideas click here) don’t you think? Well in the large bottom compartment there was a huge pile of twisted up modern jewellery. As I worked for Accessorize for 7 years, I managed to collect a whole heap of beaded matter.

So, first for the clear out. I selected 17 pieces: necklaces, brooches and bracelets that I havent worn for at least 5 years. These are all to be donated to a local charity fashion show raising money for Sue Ryder. They can then sell them on afterwards. There are 2 that maybe my mummy may like so she will have first dibs.

The great thing about having a clear out, is finding forgotten gems. I found a load of classic 90s necklaces…and as the 90s are back in  fashion (yes Topshop, I told it first here) I can now add them to my ASOS vintage accessory boutique. Hurrah…and with our next photo shoot this Friday they have been unearthed just in time!

So who had one of these? This was the hippy/70s trend that came along with the rise of Ibiza.

Also who had a cuff? I had so many (working for the leading accessory shop who gave 75% discount came in handy!). This is a black beaded one that I wore loads. 

I also found this great hand-made charm bracelet I bought a few years back. I havent seen it for ages as its been tangled up in all these beads! I love it..there is so much going on: roses, beads, skull and crossbones…even glass strawberries! (For similar ones visit Abilu Creations)

The best find though, was my mum’s metal belt from the 60s. She gave me this forever ago. I don’t think it is very me but I will of course keep it all the same!

So that takes my de-clutter tally up to 96. The target is 200 so I better crack on. The bathroom cabinet is next with it’s overflowing bottles of stuff I never, ever use. You know the thing…free samples that have probably been in there for years!

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  1. LOVING the beads and throwbacks you have found!!

    xx xx


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